Indira Gandhi National Open University offered online admission twice in a year i.e in the month of January and July. Ignou admission has their validity and it vary depends on type of courses u selected. There are many students who are not able to complete their course with in the maximum duration of programme. For those students, the university provides an easy option to apply for re-admission by filling an re-admission form for all programmes.

There are many students who get admitted to various programs and due to various problems could not attend classes, don’t contact to study centre, submit assignments and completely forget about their program. Below are details how to get re-admission for various Ignou programs :

Name of ProgrammesProgramme Duration (minimum)Re – Admission Validity after expiry of maximum duration
Certificate Programmes6 Months6 Months
Diploma/PG Diploma Programmes and all other Programmes* with one-year duration1 Year1 Year
Bachelor’s Degree Programmes3 Years2 Years
Master’s Degree Programmes2 Years2 Years

*BLIS/MLIS/B.COM & M.Com Programmes of ICAI, ICSI etc. etc.


For re-admission, students need to remit pro-rata fee for each incomplete course(s). The Table of pro-rata fee and the Re-admission Form is available at the concerned Regional Centres and students can download by following simple path : Home > Student Zone > Downloads > Re-admission.

Be remember that students who do not register for all years / semesters of a Programme and fail to pay the prescribed full Programme fee during the maximum duration of the Programme are also eligible for Re-admission, provided they pay full fee for the missed year(s)/ semester(s) as per rate applicable for the session for which they seek re-admission.

Ignou RE-ADMISSION Last Date?

Please fill Re-admission Form with all required fields along with Demand Draft to Registrar, Student Registration Division, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068 on or before the last date mentioned. If any student want to appear in June term end exams, need to submit their re admission form from 1st February to 30th April while for December term end exams, need to submit re-admission form from 1st August to 31st October for respective year.

The Provision of late fee are also available for re admission. Ignou Re admission for June Exam is valid till 20th June while for Dec Term end examination, valid till 20th December for respective year.

Important Links :


1) Re-admission is permissible in the following cases : (a) Student who failed to complete the requirements in full or in part within the maximum span period prescribed (b) Students who failed to complete the requirement of attendance in practicals as prescribed in Programme curriculum within the maximum span period prescribed.

2) Students who do not register for all years/semesters of a Programme and fail to pay the
prescribed full Programme fee during the maximum duration of the Programme are also eligible
for Re-admission.

3) The Demand Draft for Re-admission fee together with the re-registration fee of the missed year(s)/semester(s), if any, should be drawn in favour of Ignou payable at New Delhi. Please write your Enrolment Number, Name and Programme code and also the words ‘Re-admission’ on the reverse of the Demand Draft.

Keep visiting our website for latest update of Ignou RE-ADMISSION / CREDIT TRANSFER DETAILS !!

Updated: October 5, 2024 — 9:44 am

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